Know what horoscope for 2014 says about you |
Horoscope 2014 given here is based on the horoscope of MyKundali.com. Horoscope 2014 astrology for every sign is now available on Hindi Blogs. Like preceding years, this year also we have tried our best to offer you with the best and accurate horoscope. This available horoscope is based on the principles and guidelines of Vedic Astrology. With Astrology 2014, you can easily have an overview about the upcoming events and opportunities of 2014. Many astrologers, websites and astrology companies are available online which claim that their predictions are best; but not all are true to their words. Hindi Blogs has come up with the 2014 predictions keeping every minor aspect in mind. You can plan everything in advance with the help of Prediction 2014. Horoscope 2014 will help you in staying alert and planning your future. With years of experience and dedication for astrology, our astrologers have prepared your Horoscope 2014. We offer you a horoscope which has complete details about all your important aspect of life like personal, professional, financial, social and everything. Read your Astrology for 2014 to transform every opportunity into the best one and stay away from all the negativity.
Horoscope 2014 begins with a general idea of the complete year followed by the detailed predictions of every sphere of life. It will first throw light on predictions for your personal life i.e. the family life. You can learn the possibilities of any conflicts or stress due to your family or in your family which will help you in adopting the right strategies to deal with them. After that Astrology 2014 will let you step in your love life which is definitely one of the most looked forward to, prediction by almost all of us. Whether you are single, committed or married, love horoscope is available for you all. After knowing about your love life, move to the crucial aspect i.e. career with 2014 astrology predictions. Career is very important for all of us as it is all we need for a good and bright future. With the predictions, you will come across the situations and possibilities at your job and business. Horoscope 2014 predictions guide you with the right suggestions too so that you can take your career in the best possible direction. Next, is your financial life. Finances are the backbone of every family and a wrong decision related to finances can cause serious consequences. Read your astrology 2014 predictions to have a clear view of your finances in the year 2014. Make the best decisions and avoid going for the wrong investments with the predictions made for you. In the end read about your health predictions.
Aries Horoscope 2014
Arians, the year 2014 is going to be a good one for you. Your horoscope 2014 sees that your family life will be happy and prosperous. The positioning of Saturn and Rahu in your 7th house may become the reason behind any tiffs with your spouse. Other than creating problems between you both, it may also give ill health to your partner, foretells your 2014 horoscope. Moving toward your health, 2014 astrology senses some ups and downs for you; therefore, you should be careful so as to avoid getting trapped by diseases. Talking about your love life, the time is good but, not for the inter caste relations. Hence, people involved in inter caste love affair need to be careful. Your professional front is indicating signs of promotion leading to a favourable time financially. In the end, let’s focus on your education. For the Arians planning for higher education, the time is quite favourable. The time after June is really very good for the students who want to go abroad for their studies. Though the year is fine for you but as a remedy against any problem, you should serve the black cows.
Taurus Horoscope 2014
Surprises is the keyword for the Taurus people. Astrology for 2014 says that this year you may plan something special for your near and dear ones. Horoscope 2014 also predicts that planning surprises for your loved ones will enhance your image and reputation. This year is excellent for the people who are not the patients of any old disease. Though, improvement in the old disease is possible for those who are dealing with them. Love life seems smooth according to 2014 predictions; however, some minor issues may arise. 2014 predictions suggest staying away from any argument. Coming to your career as per 2014 horoscope, the time brings immense positivity. Unemployed ones will get job but for the businessman, ‘hard work is the key to success’. The more they will put endeavour, the more will be the results. 2014 is favourable provided you continue putting efforts to fetch money. According to horoscope 2014, there are bright signs of making huge savings in the first half of the year. Second half of the year is carrying increment in your income. 2014 astrology is lucky for the students and success in their efforts is assured.
Gemini Horoscope 2014
A favorable year for the Gemini people according to 2014 horoscope predictions. An important function or event is expected as per astrology 2014. This time holds very high possibility of a wedding ceremony or newborn in your family. Though the year is not bringing complications on health front, still keeping an eye on health is required. You may face seasonal health issues but nothing serious. This year from the view of 2014 predictions is not meant for acting stubborn over love affairs, otherwise, it will create distances between you and your partner. 2014 astrology is predicting your attraction toward someone who will be different from you, socially. Coming to finances and career, the year is favourable for the business people and for the salaried class one too. Service people will get promotion and unemployed ones will get relief from unemployment. 2014 horoscope says that this year your income and sources of income will increase making you financially stable. As an advice, stay away from making any risky investments. Students will see a great time as 2014 is their year. As per horoscope 2014, this year is helpful for their higher studies. Donating almonds in a temple is the remedy for you all.
Cancer Horoscope 2014
2014 has mixed results for the Cancerians. Problems in the first half of the year are seen by 2014 horoscope. Rahu and Saturn are posited on the 4th house which may take away your mental peace. Stress in domestic life is also predicted by horoscope for 2014. This year, you may find difficulties in coordinating with your family which will give you stress. During this time, job, health, education and travelling won’t do well for you. During this time, you should alert and careful regarding your health. Horoscope 2014 is predicting possibility of change in your job. Unnecessary arguments should be avoided as well as unimportant trips. You may expect a relief in the second half of the year says 2014 predictions and will notice a decrease in your troubles. Horoscope 2014 suggests taking the help of spirituality to get some peace. This time is good for the education aspect also and your endeavors will prove successful. To improve the stars of the year 2014, feed a cow with mixture of rice and milk.
Leo Horoscope 2014
Lions, the first half of the year 2014 has got favorable results for you. During this time your family members will be very happy according to 2014 horoscope. You will see an improvement in the sources of income. Your friends and relatives will be highly supportive and you will cherish it. 2014 astrology predictions forecasts a very good time for education and progeny. You may face some issues related to your progeny due to aspect of Saturn in 5th house; but the good news is that all things will settle out with time. The time is good for your health and also for love and romance. Horoscope 2014 hopes some good opportunities approaching you during this time. Also, you will do well professionally according to astrology 2014 and chance of promotion will increase. Horoscope 2014 is seeing a great time for the students and they will successfully clear their entrance exams. The second half of the year will bring expenses and is not good for your health as well. Some useless journeys are also possible. To get relief from the troubles, you should water the peepal tree.
Virgo Horoscope 2014
Virgos, 2014 is a beneficial year for you all. The environment of your home will be positive and harmonious and you feel happy and healthy. No doubt the time is in your favour but, a suggestion for you is to keep control on your tongue. Also, you should avoid indulging in unnecessary expenses. More happiness will reach you in the second half of the year as this time is auspicious for marriage and is also good for love and romance. Your professional front, according to horoscope 2014 looks promising. During this time you will do something unique and extraordinary which may open the doors of promotion for you. In the year 2014, you will gain numerous opportunities. A little problem may come due to presence of Saturn and Rahu in your 2nd house and you will find a bit of difficulty in saving the money. This problem will not last for long as the transit of Rahu in July will bring good luck for you, taking you back on the track of saving enough money. This transit will do well for your health too. 2014 astrology predicts a fortunate time for the students too. Virgos, to make things more favorable, apply saffron Tilak on your forehead.
Libra Horoscope 2014
For the Libra people, the year 2014 brings mixed results. For the spiritual Libra individuals, harmony in the family because of them is predicted by the 2014 astrology. Jupiter is posited in your 9th house and is strengthening your luck. You may face some health issues as Saturn and Rahu are present in your 1st house. These health issues will be resolved in July with the transit of Rahu. 2014 is favourable for love affairs as per horoscope 2014 predictions; but for the married couples some issues are possible. Horoscope 2014 suggests you to maintain distance from useless lawsuits as it will result in wastage of money and time. This year, problems on professional front are also expected; however, you will get success in it. Talking about finances, 2014 is average. For the students, success is possible but after putting hard work. For the students willing to go abroad for studies, the time is positive. Remedial measure for you is, serving the monkeys. You should also avoid eating non-vegetarian food and intake of alcohol.
Scorpio Horoscope 2014
Scorpions, Jupiter is situated in your 8th house in the beginning of 2014. In the initial months, only hard work can help you in achieving favourable results. According to 2014 horoscope, during this time you may find a change in the behaviour of your family members. At this time feeling of insecurity may affect your health. 2014 horoscope suggests you to avoid lawsuits and unnecessary travels. Problem in love life is also possible and your efforts may also go useless. In the second half of the year, situations will improve as Jupiter will move into your 9th house. Further improvements will come with the transit of Rahu in your 11th house in July. This transit will hold good for the students and they will get positive results. Their hard work will give its results. Donating Ghee along with potatoes is the remedy for you.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2014
Sagittarians, first part of the year 2014 is going to prove itself very good for you. According to 2014 astrology, the atmosphere in your family will be harmonious. You will feel fresh and energetic. Saturn and Rahu are situated in your 11th house bringing increments for you; however, the effect of Saturn on your ascendant house will create negativity in you. Therefore, you should avoid getting into anything negative or bad. This year, as per your 2014 horoscope, you will get expected results in matters of love and marriage. You may become the victim of arguments with your partner, time to time, as a result of effect of Saturn on your 5th house. You should avoid arguments over minor issues. A positive period is predicted on your professional front. For the students, fruit of their hard work is assured. With the arrival of second half of the year, things may change and you may face problems in every aspect of life. 2014 predictions suggest you to invest carefully and staying away from the greed of making money through short cuts. Salaried people should act carefully and may have to change their job. Transfer to any unwanted place is also possible for them. To improve the situation, you should float coconuts in flowing water after every four months.
Capricorn Horoscope 2014
2014 brings a bag of mixed results for you. As Jupiter is shifting in your 5th house, you may face some ups and downs financially. Matters related to debts will demand serious attention. As per prediction of horoscope 2014, differences with family members are also on the cards. Health front is not in your favour either, though it won’t trouble you much. Possibility of any legal issues is also visible to astrology 2014; however, the result would be in your favor. You will face problems from your enemies also but victory will touch your feet in this matter as well. With the beginning of second part of the year, things in your love life will take a positive turn. This time is also good for the married couples. Auspicious activity in your home is highly possible. For those who are into partnerships, benefits are there. 2014 horoscope forecasts positive changes in your earning as well as knowledge. To make your stars favorable, you should donate yellow colored clothes to a priest.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014
Aquarians, 2014 is bringing a brilliant beginning for you. Auspicious activities are possible in your family. This time is good for family planning also. For education and studies, this time is very lucky. Horoscope 2014 predicts this time is favorable for long journeys and pilgrimages. With a careful check on your health, you will enjoy good health. Be cautious while driving. Astrology 2014 is predicting a better job for you. In the second half of the year, you may face some complications. Some people may go against you without any reason. Astrology 2014 is sensing sudden issues related to exchange of debts. It is advised that you must refrain from making investment. Journey through the mode of water transportation should be seriously avoided. To settle the negativity of stars, donate rice, gram and jaggery in a temple.
Pisces Horoscope 2014
2014 is a beneficial year for you. Though you will have the influence of Dhaiya of Saturn over you, still Jupiter will act as a boon for you. Harmony will prevail in your home and you will enjoy good and healthy life. Horoscope 2014 is showing stars of purchase of new home or vehicle. For matters of love affairs and marriage, second half of the year is on your side. However, stress in marital life is possible after July as a result of transit of Rahu in your 7th house. Astrology forecasts investment of money for the expansion and growth of your business. During this time, seniors will appreciate you and will be very supportive. You may begin something new while putting your ideas into actions. You are very lucky during this time as improvement in your income is also expected. Caution is necessary for those working in partnerships. Horoscope 2014 says, this time is beneficial for the students, especially for those willing to go abroad for studies, the time is excellent. To gain maximum benefits, keep a square piece of silver in your pocket.